
Joshua C. was kind enough to send us this video he took while deer hunting in Lewiston, UT – God’s country. Lewiston is situated at the northern Utah border by Idaho. Joshua says, “I can literally take my scope, look out the back window of my home and at any one time see 40 to 60 elk.” For the hunt, he loaded up his horse trailer, drove four miles up the nearby mountains to a trailhead, unloaded and packed in. His cousin shot the deer you see in the video. Since he was a little boy he has gone regularly with family and a few friends for both deer and elk. Also a bowhunter, he prefers to use a smokeless muzzle-loader loaded with the Black Horn 209 powder (which is legal in his state) along with our .452 Alpha Hunters. Joshua has lived in the area his entire life. Hunting is in his blood, enough so that his email handle says ‘lives to hunt’ – we think he’s living right and wish him continued success.

Josh C.


Comments we love to hear – Recently, Paul Y. from Pennsylvania, used our .308 155 grain bullets and sent us a message saying, “I shot your bullets today and they are fantastic. I shot them next to Bergers, Hornady and Sierra and beside shooting better, they shot 1 in. high as all other brands were low. Your bullet is going 2960 MV sitting on top of 46.5 gr. of Varget. The 5 shot group is half inch outside to outside. The gun is Bat action, Krieger barrel, McMillan stock, Ken Farrell rings and Mark 4 Leupold 8.5-25-50, Lapua brass and CCI BR primers.”

Paul Y.


Booming It In Utah

ALCO Bullets loves to see what our friends are doing with our bullets. We would like to thank Joshua in Utah for sending in this target using the Precision Alpha Hunter .452 325-grain bullets for the first time. He also shared a picture of his gun along with a cool case he uses to hold the bullets. We are appreciative of his comments: “Ordered these to shoot out of my 45 cal smokeless muzzleloader. I’m using blackhorn 209 to be legal to hunt in my state. Minimal load work gave multiple powder charges producing .5 moa and slightly under 3 shot groups. I will be trying them at distance out to 1000 on steel soon, but from what they did in close, I expect great results at distance. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for an awesome shooting 45 caliber bullet. The green dot is .75 of a inch for reference.” He said he made the bullet case by working with Inflection Design and Engineering at https://www.inflectionde.com/

Joshua C.


Beating the Odds

ALCO Bullets wanted to share some nice targets and comments from one of our customers who shoots out in Las Vegas recently. He is literally ‘stacking the odds in his favor’ with our 7mm 168 grain ULD projectiles with the gun he built himself. We are appreciative of his statements: “These are the real deal and I’m a skeptic! Lots of “claims” out there, but when I held 1/3-ish MOA in a 15-22 mph full value crosswind at 200 yds, they made a believer out of me. No bench rest here. Just me and the .280 Ackley improved I built myself. Worth every penny for a serious shooter looking for that “next level.” The photos were taken last Sunday…. on a “nice day.” I can shoot similar groups like this with the Nosler Accubonds, but in a 15-22 mph crosswind the 800+ BC really is impressive. Your rebated boat tail seems to let these bullets stabilize right away as opposed to the Accubonds which don’t seem to stabilize until 200-300 yds.”

William Dunlap

ALCO Bullets would like to thank Enrique Lopez for sharing two photos of the deer he shot with the .308 bullets in a 155 grain weight. People often ask us about how our bullets work on game. As you can see, the exit wounds are pretty big. The bullets expand and are effective on game. We are very appreciative of the note Enrique sent to us below:

“Attached (above) you will find the two pictures from the deer taken in Georgia with my .308 and your Alco 155 grain Bullets. They performed excellent. The first doe was shot at 40 yards and ran only 20 yards, the second is a young buck shot at 105 yards which collapsed at the shot. Both bullets exited leaving a nice exit hole making it very easy to find the short 20-yard blood trail the doe left. I am extremely happy with the results. Keep up the good work!”

Enrique Lopez

I just received my order. I am very impressed with the way you pack everything. So often buying in bulk it comes in a bag or box sometimes both and tipped projectiles and hollow points are damaged and will not preform at distance. I am excited to see how my rifle likes them.

Mat G.

.224 Caliber 90 grain

Bill, went to the range early this morning, 72 degrees, no wind dead calm on a 320 yard range. Loaded 20 rounds of the 90 grain .224 flat base bullets. Loaded them long (touching the lands) for single shot out of a Standard 24 inch match barrel with 11 degree crown. Barrel was atomized with hex-boron-nitride-lubricantusing a hand powder atomizer, not the most sophisticated method, but works for me. Bullets were coated with hex-boron nitride-lubricant in a rotary tumbler. 16 holes that could be covered with a silver dollar, 4 flyers that were definitely my fault they were really bad flyers.

Doc B.

About the .224 caliber in 77 grain -These are absolutely amazing and even fit into mag length loads for an AR15. It was a pleasure speaking with you today. I really think you have the next generation of projectile design here. It is quite frankly incredible how much more we can do with less due to the massive leaps forward in bullet design. The mainstream guys are WAY behind.

Nick H.

I’m running these things through my Bullberry barrel at 2663 with Blackhorn and am touching holes at 250. Please never stop making these things they’re amazing. About every paycheck I’m gonna order more for a while. These things are amazing. Shot 1.5” group at 250 today and was blown away. Thank you for making Muzzleloading great again.

Gregory W.

‘I had the opportunity to shoot a doe yesterday at 300 meters.  At the last second the deer turned on me, and got the bullet through the neck and into the spine about midway as she was facing me. I didn’t recover the bullet, but it effectively removed the back half of the spine as well as splitting the pelvic bone. The energy carried through and instead of her tail hanging,  her entrails were hanging.  I am not sure if this is the gutless method of dressing a deer, but I can’t wait to shoot an elk with your bullets.

Nell D.

Took a 144” deer at 301 yds out of my arrowhead sporting goods 10MLii with your 325gr alpha hunter. And, another 144” buck at 278 yds with the same bullet. I’m pushing it at 2614FPS and it holding well under MOA accuracy. Thanks for building the exceptional components that helps me harvest these animals!

John B.

Superior bullets, and great customer service.

Angelo L.

Smokeless Muzzleloader .452 Caliber

Your bullets are as or more accurate and at the longer ranges 250+ are a lot flatter with the better BC.

Nick W.

7mm Caliber 168 grain

Did a new load workup today with the 7mm's  I had left from a previous order. Shot 3 -1/4 moa groups and 1- 1/2 moa group at avg 2853 fps which was 129 fps faster than before.

Bill D.

.308 Caliber 220 grain

I took your 220 steel tips and loaded them up in my 300 win mag to the edge of comfort.  I got 1/3 MOA groups, with a beautiful cloverleaf. Your products are out-f—–g standing! These bullets are insane, consistent as all get out, AND work wonders on critters!

Marc T.


BUILT MYSELF. WORTH EVERY PENNY FOR A SERIOUS SHOOTER LOOKING FOR THAT NEXT LEVEL … On a nice day I can shoot similar groups like this with the Nosler Accubonds but in a 15-22 mph crosswind the 800+ BC really is impressive. Your rebated boat tail seems to let these bullets stabilize right away as opposed to the Accubonds which dont seem to stabilize until 200- 300 yds.

William D.

.308 Caliber 168 grain

Side by side 5 shot groups with my Bergara using Nosler 168 gr BTHP and your 168 gr RBT aluminum tip.  Both loaded into Hornady.308 brass and a measured load of 41.0 gr of H335. Your bullets grouped half the size of the BTHP

Gary G.

.308 Caliber 168 grain

.510 Airgun Pellets

Tried these in the UX Hammer at 50yrds.  Need I say more?  🙂  Did the calculations for 100yrds and was in the black first shot. I can work with these!  Thank you!

J. S. K.

.308 Caliber 168 grain

I got some 180 RBT Bullets in and loaded and shot 3 in my 7LRM. They shot as well as the 180 Berger hybrid that the rifle was designed around 1/9 twist. Absolutely a one hole group. I used the 180 grain Bullets to get elevation and windages on my zero comprise scope. I’ve NEVER shot or even seen a better group! I hold sub world records groups at 1,038 yards. I will at least shoot 1,038 yards today with both the 180 and 195 ALCO Bullets. Guys this is NOTHING to me. They shoot faster than ANY Bullets of the same weight class because of the rebated boat tail that they are “40-50” FPS faster and have a better CF. They are better than advertised! I have a 7 NORMA AL as well. The same thing. I only shot a few rounds through it to see how it shoots them I’ll make a bold statement, I WILL OUTSHOOT ANYBODY in the world against the 195 Berger or 195 grain Bullets with these Bullets!! The zero Comprise scope is as good as advertised as well. Guys call Bill at Alco and get some of these Bullets!


African hunt – see photos in the All About Bullets Blog

Expansion, energy transfer, penetration, the thing that dreams are made of, in the bullet performance arena. But wait…. I haven’t even mentioned accuracy. Bulls-eye shot after shot. Sighted in at 284ft. elev. at 64deg. F, hunted Namibia at 4785F 95 deg. F. again, bulls-eye. Center punch tack driver, time after time. I highly, highly recommend Alco bullets.” Matthew M. – Smokeless Muzzleloader .452 Caliber 300 in ULR 454 Casull The bullets performed very well, definitely stabilized well and proved to be much more accurate than I am capable of shooting. I am definitely going to buy more and probably going to try the 325gr ones as well. The bullets you make are simply amazing. Thank you!

Ed D.

.308 Airgun Pellets

I just shot the 308. Holy crap. That is awesome to let me oh my God. Im not in the office for a little bit. If not, you can call me on my cell phone area code 661-816 7616 and Ill be on the road tomorrow. I watched some of the ammo down and try to go hunt with it.  just surgically accurate. 

Jon T.

.452 Alpha Hunter Smokeless Muzzleloader 

Ordered these to shoot out of my 45 cal smokeless muzzleloader although I’m using blackhorn 209 to be legal to hunt in my state. Minimal load work gave multiple powder charges producing .5 moa and slightly under 3 shot groups. I will be trying them at a distance out to 1000 on steel soon but from what they did in closer I expect great results at distance. Would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for an awesome shooting 45 caliber bullet.

Joshua C.

Pushing the Edge
Recently, ALCO Bullets received a range report about our Precision .308 RBTST ULD projectiles in 220 grain from Marc in North Carolina that we are sharing. We appreciate his kind words and data. Marc said, “I took your 220 steel tips and loaded them up in my 300-win mag to the edge of comfort. I got 1/3 MOA groups, with a beautiful cloverleaf. The 300-win mag 220 grain …cold bore was 2884, and the damn thing kept getting faster. After plugging it into the Kestrel, I have 1500 ft/lbs. at 1175 meters (9.3 mil hold) and 1000 ft/lbs. out to 1600 meters (15.4 mil hold). Your products are out-F—-standing.”


North Carolina

They are very well constructed. The utmost considerations are given to each and every individual bullet they make and not just certain lot ranges? Every bullet weighs the same in the caliber you purchase, the bullets are constructed to have the same ogive, they are perfectly balanced, they have consistent diameters, the bullets have absolutely equal sectional densities…no variations and they have a rebated boat tail that support and ensure damn consistent muzzle energies amongst many other things that deal with trajectory science second to none, etc. Sure they cost a little bit more, but they are a reloader’s dream for hunting, target shooting or just the utmost in accuracy. Alco’s bullets absolutely halt variables that reloader’s have to tweak to maintain consistency from bullet to bullet that would have a definite impact on your objective to hunt, target shoot, shooting long range or just being consistent with your groups sub moa! Hence, the rebated boat tail permits the reloader to have absolute range dope once the bullet and cartridge has been developed for whatever purposes…

Jerry Mont


LCO Bullets would like to thank Steve Moneypenny for testing our bullets and posting the following on the FB Smokeless Muzzleloader Shooters Group:

“Bill Shepek from Alco bullets was nice enough to send me some bullets to try out and today was supposed to be nice with winds light and variable. The only thing variable were the gusts. Just had to work between it all. Alco’s wed site is a click and ship so no calling involved to order. Bill is a standup guy to work with.
First up was the 325 grain 12 ogive Alco Alpha Hunters. .014 jacket thickness. All targets at 300 yards.
Gun is Sav/Brux 1:20” 26” barrel with Direct Ignition.
Optics are Sightron SIII 6-24X50mm.
Scope had been zero’d at 100yd with both the 325’s and 300’s last month. Interestingly enough both bullets with the charges used zero’d the same which is highly convenient. Dialed up approx. 5 MOA for 300 yard targets. (20 inches)
325 grain Alco Alpha Hunter
80gr H322
No wad
Bullets sized at approx. .44970
#1. 2779 fps
#2. 2825fps
#3. 2811fps
#4. 2775fps
#5. 2758fps
#3 and #4 were adjusted 2 clicks to left, the #5 was adjusted to right one click but hit low. I am positive that was my fault. I only had two 325’s left so I stopped. Want to save those for a kill.
Bottom pic is 300yd target

Second up was the 300 grain Alco Precision .020 jacket thickness
Same bullet size settings #1 thru #3. On #4 and #5 snugged setting up to .44985 and shots tightened up. I have found once bullet and charge combo have been determined bullet sizing is key to fine tuning.
300gr Alco Precision 12 Ogive
70gr IMR4198
#1. N/A
#2. 2795fps
#3. 2780fps
#4. 2809fps
#5. 2813fps
I believe these bullets are capable of much better groups. I know I could get better, but every shot is a dead deer.”

Steve M.

I had a great experience talking with Bill on the phone when I called with questions. He led me to the right round for my rifle and shared some great stories about his experiences with the round.

Mathew W.

Hello Alco,

I’ve been fascinated by this style of bullet for years and researched this design. Please continue making these awesome bullets. I’m sure to contribute to the growth of long range true precision shooting.


I shot your bullets today and they are fantastic. I shot them next to Bergers, Hornady and Sierra and besides shooting better, they shot 1in. high as all other brands were low. Your bullet is going 2960 sitting on top of 46.5 gr. of Varget. The 5 shot group is half inch outside to outside.

The gun is Bat action, Krieger barrel, McMillan stock, Ken Farrell rings and Mark 4 Leupold 8.5- 25-50. Lapua brass and CCI BR primers.

Paul Y.

I received my Bullets today, man these things look angry. I love it!

George K.

They are very well constructed. The utmost considerations are given to each and every individual bullet they make and not just certain lot ranges? Every bullet weighs the same in the caliber you purchase, the bullets are constructed to have the same ogive, they are perfectly balanced, they have consistent diameters, the bullets have absolutely equal sectional densities…no variations and they have a rebated boat tail that support and ensure damn consistent muzzle energies amonst many other things that deal with trajectory science second to none, etc. Sure they cost a little bit more, but they are a reloaders dream for hunting, target shooting or just the utmost in accuracy . Alco bullets absolutely halts variables that reloaders have to tweak to maintain consistency from bullet to bullet that would have a definite impact on your objective to hunt, target shoot, shooting long range or just being consistent with your groups sub moa! Hence, the rebated boat tail permits the reloader to have absolute range dope once the bullet and cartridge has been developed for whatever purposes…

Jerry M.

“Thank you bill. These are extremely accurate. All your bullets are in fact very accurate. Thank you again. pleasure doing business and more to follow.”

James A.

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