Putting ALCO Steel Precision Bullets On Target – .308 220-grain Rebated Boat Tail Steel Tip Ultra Low Drag

Steel Precision On Target

ALCO Precision .308 220-grain Rebated Boat Tail Steel Tip bullet is Ultra Low Drag and part of our Next Generation line up for long range completive and target shooters. This extremely accurate heavy grain projectile is engineered to have a very high ballistic coefficient and works best in a 1/9 or faster barrel depending on cartridge. It is built for large magnums. There is a great series of videos available to watch on line about reloading 300 win mag from Johnny’s Reloading Bench Mag that is very informative: https://www.google.com/search?q=johnys+reloading+300+win+mag&oq=johnys+reloading+300+win+mag&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.28862j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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